University Examination

Examination - Assesment Policy

The College follows internal and external assessment as per the Anna University norms. Following is the pattern of assessment (2017 Pattern)

Internal Examination20%
External Examination80%

1. Conduct of Internal Assessment Examination

The main objective of internal assessment is to evaluate student learning and understanding at regular intervals. It is done by conducting daily tests in the classroom, Model Examination, home assignments, projects, oral tests, presentations, group discussions and practical.
The following marking scheme of internal assessment has been applied at Jaya Sakthi Engineering College

  • The College Academic Calendar indicates the tentative internal assessment examination schedule.
  • The College conducts three Internal Assessment (Model Examination I, II, and III) for all courses per semester for each program.
  • Attendance in Internal Assessment is compulsory.
  • Exact schedules are fixed by the Controller of Examination in consultation with the HODs and Principal. These are informed to staff and student through circulars in advance
  • Portions for Internal Assessment Tests are divided according to the unit based on the syllabus Completed as follows

Internal Assessment Portions Marks
Model Examination - IUnit I & II100
Model Examination - IIUnit III & IV100
Model Examination - IIIAll 5 Units (I, II, III, IV, V)100

  • The subject handling faculty are intimated and directed to prepare question papers in the University pattern and send the printed copy to the Examination cell before the specific date mentioned in the circular through department Examination cell member
  • Hall arrangements and seating arrangements are prepared by the Exam Cell.
  • A schedule for invigilation duty is prepared by the Exam Cell.
  • Monitoring Committee is formed to monitor the respective Examination hall and submit the report daily to the Exam cell
  • After exams, answer papers are collected by the invigilators and handed over to the ExamCell along with attendance report. Exam Cell hands over the answer sheets to the subject handlingfaculty through department Examination cell members.
  • After evaluation, the answer papers are distributed to students with marks and suggestions for improvement on it. The results of individual students are recorded. Mark list is forwarded to the class counsellors who consolidates the results of the respective class and sent to ExamCell for internal assessment.
  • Home assignments are given after completion of each unit. Dates for submission of home assignments are informed by the teachers individually in the classrooms at least a week in advance. Assignments are then corrected by the course faculty

Practical Subjects - Model Practical Examinations:

Before the week of the Last working day (schedule will be given by the respective departments) Inorder to appear for the Model Practical Examinations, the students must have completed all the lab manuals and record works and obtain the signature from the respective staff before the weekof the Last Working Day

Procedures for Awarding Marks for Internal Assessment (UG/PG)

  • Every faculty is required to maintain a ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD (Logbook) which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or project work class, the test marks and the record of class work (topic covered), separately for eachsubject. This should be submitted to the Head of the Department for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and attendance.
  • The Head of the Department will put his signature and the date after due verification.
  • At the end of the semester, the record should be verified by the Head of the Institution, who will keep this document in safe custody (for five years).
  • The university or any inspection team appointed by the University may inspect the records of attendance and assessment of both current and previous semesters
  • The Exam Cell collects the internal marks from various departments and forwards it totheUniversity before the commencement of University Examinations as per University Proforma.
  • The procedure for allotment of internal marks for theory paper, practical paper and project vivavoce according to the Anna University Regulations will be issued from time to time by the COE

2. Conduct of End Semester University Examinations

  • The end semester examinations shall ordinarily be conducted between November and December during the odd semesters and between April and May in the even semesters.
  • Exam Cell prepares the hall arrangements and seating arrangements as per University prescribed format. The candidates are supposed to locate their hall and seat with their register numbers displayed at the entrance of the examination hall and occupy their respective seats
  • The timings will be followed for conducting the University examinations as per the Anna University schedule.
  • The Hall superintendent distributes the answer books and question papers.
  • On completion of the examination, the students hand over the answer books to the hall superintendent. The hall superintendent collects and arranges it in sequential order (branchwise/ register number wise) of all the answer books and hands them over to the COE/Chief Superintendent.
  • The answer books handed over by the Hall Superintendent are kept in sealed covers with endorsement by Chief Superintendent and University Representative.
  • The sealed covers are handed over to the Zonal office by the Chief Superintendent through University Representative.
  • Any malpractice of the candidate during the examination is reported by the hall superintendent tothe COE/Chief Superintendent
  • The hall superintendent collects the answer paper / supporting materials along with written statement from the concerned candidate and sends it to the COE/Chief Superintendent.
  • A decision on the disciplinary action if any to be taken is decided by the University and intimated to the Principal and the concerned student. The concerned HOD is then informed by the Principal.
  • The Chief Superintendent forwards the same to University along with a covering letter, students; seating location chart and hall superintendent’s report.

Click here to view Assesment Policy